PTSD & Complex Trauma Therapy
Psychotherapy & Counselling for complex trauma, PTSD, and trauma. We support individuals across Ontario to process traumatic events and move forward in their lives in peace. We also offer trauma therapy to clients at our therapy office in Kincardine, Ontario
PTSD Trauma & Complex Trauma
While PTSD and Complex PTSD have similarities, they are different. Complex trauma involves a series of traumatic events of which there was little chance of escape such as during childhood or intimate partner violence. Not only can this involve different types of abuse, poverty, neglect and discrimination, it can also occur when there is a disconnect between the child and attachment figures.
Symptoms may include these PTSD symptoms:
- Re-experiencing – intrusive thoughts, flashbacks of childhood events
- Avoidance – attempting to avoid thinking of past events, or avoiding places/experiences related
- Hyperarousal – being easily startled, anxiety/panic, difficulties sleeping, irritability or anger, self-destructive behaviour
As well as:
- Difficulties regulating emotions
- Negative view of self, toxic shame
- Difficulties creating and maintaining relationships
- Dissociation, feeling disconnected from the body
- A belief that the world is unsafe, scary or bad
“No recovery from trauma is possible without attending to issues of safety, care for the self, reparative connections to other human beings, and a renewed faith in the universe. The therapist’s job is not just to be a witness to this process but to teach the patient how.”
Learn how to reparent yourself, reconnect with loved ones & find beauty in the world

Our Approach to Trauma Therapy
Our therapeutic approach is centered in attunement. The primary focus for the therapist is staying present and grounded, giving you space to hear your inner wisdom and find connection within. At Attuned Therapy + Wellness, we believe that we all have the capacity to heal & to reconnect with our authenticity.
Therapy sessions may include parts work, somatics, Compassionate Inquiry, and getting to know your nervous system through a Polyvagal Theory lens.
There are 3 phases of complex trauma treatment. Depending on your symptoms, we may go back and forth between these phases as needed.
Stabilization & Symptom Reduction
Processing Traumatic Memories
Reintegration & Post-Traumatic Growth
(226) 396-2200
1802 Highway 21, Kincardine ON N2Z2X4