A Closer Look at Jodie’s Holistic Approach to Therapy and Healing

by | Apr 11, 2024 | Therapy, Uncategorized

Jodie Ellenor, Registered Social Worker, MSW, BSC, FDN-P is a holistic psychotherapist at Attuned Therapy + Wellness. While we proudly serve our local community in Kincardine, Ontario, we also serve families and individuals virtually throughout Ontario. We are so happy to offer our clients the opportunity to work with Jodie, as we feel as if she is capable of completely shifting a client’s perspective on health and well-being. She has a special ability to fully assess and evaluate her client’s health status, and has an immense amount of knowledge about functional medicine and holistic healing modalities.

Jodie has always had a passion for guiding others into deeper layers of healing. With a background in social work, Jodie focuses on helping adult clients with depression and anxiety. Jodie has a deep interest in the mind-body connection. She offers functional medicine testing including hormone testing and GI testing (DUTCH and GI MAP, SIBO, OAT). In addition to being a therapist, Jodie is certified as a functional medicine practitioner (FDN-P), a breathwork facilitator, and a yoga teacher. Jodie has additional training in CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), marriage therapy (EFT)  DBT, hormones, mold illness, minerals, heavy metal detox, and thyroid health.

Let’s dive in! 

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself? What led you to pursue a career in therapy and functional medicine?

A: Certainly! I began my career in social work back in 2006. I worked with various populations, including high-functioning autism and inner-city youth in Toronto. It was during this time that I discovered my passion for helping individuals understand and overcome their mental health challenges. As I progressed in my career, I realized the importance of addressing the connection between mental and physical health. This realization led me to explore functional medicine as a means of providing holistic healing for my clients.

Q: What are some modalities you incorporate into your practice?

A: In addition to traditional therapy techniques like mindfulness, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), I am also trained in yoga, Heartmath, and Elemental Breathwork. These modalities allow me to address both the mind and body in my healing approach. Because sometimes talk therapy alone is not enough to address mental health challenges like depression and anxiety, I can also dive deeper into underlying physiological triggers. This is when I might use functional medicine testing such as the Dutch test, GI-MAP, and hair mineral testing. These may help to identify underlying imbalances and provide personalized treatment plans for my clients when needed.   

Q: What are some common reasons people seek your services?

A: In addition to depression and anxiety, many of my clients come to me with symptoms related to gut health issues, autoimmune diseases, thyroid issues, and hormone imbalances. They often feel frustrated with the lack of answers they’ve received from traditional medical approaches and are seeking a more holistic and personalized approach to healing.

Q: Can you elaborate on the importance of mental health awareness and self-care in your practice?

A: Mental health awareness is crucial for overall well-being, as it directly impacts our physical health and vice versa. Through therapy and lifestyle changes, individuals can learn to prioritize their mental and physical wellness, leading to improved quality of life and resilience in the face of challenges that inevitably come up in life. 

Healing the mother wound is particularly significant, as it influences generational patterns of health and well-being. This wound can stem from various sources, such as unmet emotional needs, neglect, abandonment, or unhealthy family dynamics. Healing the mother wound involves recognizing and addressing these underlying issues. They can manifest in patterns of self-doubt, low self-esteem, relationship challenges, burnout, exhaustion, instability to put yourself first, and difficulty setting boundaries. By acknowledging and working through this emotional pain, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness, self-compassion, and emotional resilience, ultimately breaking free from intergenerational cycles of suffering and fostering healthier relationships with themselves and others.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

A: I’d just like to emphasize the importance of investing in yourself and seeking support when needed. Healing is a journey, and it’s okay to reach out for help along the way. Remember that you are worthy of care and compassion. There are resources available to support you on your path to wellness.

Q: Can you share a bit about your hobbies and interests outside of work?

A: Of course! Outside of work, I enjoy traveling and photography. I’ve had the opportunity to explore over 30 countries. Additionally, I’m passionate about learning and consider holistic healing to be an essential part of my personal life as well. I’m dedicated to integrating mind-body practices into my daily routine for overall well-being.

For further resources and information from Jodie, please see below. Remember, your path to healing and well-being is unique, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

You can book a therapy appointment with Jodie Ellenor HERE

Be sure to follow our Instagram account HERE for updates on Jodie’s availability and services at Attuned Therapy + Wellness  

Jodie’s Podcast: The Anxiety Fix HERE

You may also enjoy our blog: The Path To Starting Therapy, click HERE to read it.


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